Hormonal Imbalance is the root cause of many undesirable symptoms
Bio Identical-Replacement Therapy
Are You a Candidate for Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?
If you watch Oprah, or read Suzanne Somers, you’ve undoubtedly heard about bioidentical hormones. Bioidentical hormones are compounds that are chemically identical to the hormones naturally produced by the human body. Responsible bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is now accepted as a viable treatment for a variety of the undesirable symptoms associated with peri-menopause, menopause, and post-menopausal hormone deficiencies.
Although hormone replacement therapy has been around for decades, most general practitioners know little about it and few have had specific training on the subject. At Palm Beach Progressive Medicine™, we employ a staff of medical professionals trained in the field of hormone replacement therapy. We will assess your individual needs and work to restore your hormonal balance by customizing a bioidentical hormone replacement therapy plan to meet your specific needs.
Low |
Low |
Low |
Hot flashes |
Low energy |
Low sexual desire |
Night sweats |
Headache |
Hair loss |
Sleep Disorders |
Low libido |
Muscle weakness |
Vaginal dryness |
Anxiety |
Muscle & joint pain |
Dry skin |
Nervousness |
Weight gain |
Anxiety |
Breast Tenderness |
Lack of self-esteem |
Mood swings |
Depression |
Yeast Infections |
Headache |
Mood swings |
Loss of muscle |
Depression |
Irritability |
Painful joints |
Memory loss |
Insomnia |
Loss of strength |
If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, you may be a candidate for Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Contact us today to see if hormone therapy is right for you.